About Us

About Maranatha Baptist Church

The Maranatha Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church located in the Dover, DE. We are located on 2 acres of property along Route 10 about 2 miles west of Dover Air Force Base.

There are more than 15,000 independent Baptist churches in America and at least 10,000 independent Baptist missionaries serving on mission fields worldwide.

Every independent Baptist church is an autonomous congregation. We are self- governing and self-supporting. The head of the church is the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible is our sole authority for faith and practice. It is our desire to be a truly New Testament church.

At Maranatha Baptist Church we take people where they are in their search for the Lord and lead them to new spiritual heights! We have a mix of children, teens, parents and grandparents -everyone will feel welcome.

Knowing God is a life time adventure of realizing God's purpose and potential in your life. Come by the church for one of the services and allow us the privilege of having a ministry in your life!


We are a Bible-believing church where our teaching reaches people in their practical lives! We are open to the public on announced service and activity times. The facility is closed to the public when there are no services or publically announced activities.


Outside of our service and actiivity times, we are glad to meet with and counsel with anyone by appointment only!
(c) 2009-2015 Maranatha Baptist Church